Roodbont Publishers
Illustrations and animations educational projects
Roodbont Publishers offers agricultural content worldwide to make farming knowledge profitable.

Muscles in a broiler.

To see the growth plate properly, make a cut at an angle of 45° through the bone, about 3 cm below the knee point.

Veterinary inspection.

Influence of age on taste.

The skeletal muscles are made up of cells that contain multiple
cell nuclei and thus form muscle fibres.

Food safety

Passage duration of an egg. Twisted strands of egg white (chalazae) anchor the yolk in place and stop it drifting.

A farmpacker can proces 20.000 to 25.000 eggs per hour. The system puts the eggs in trays and stamps them before they are stacked on pallets for transportation to the packing station.

Natural habitat Sahiwal cow.

Instructions how to take a biopt.

Rotary vane pump

Water ring pump

Impeller pump